Tuesday, February 28, 2012

They're Never Too Young

Of all the functions of the internet (keeping us together, keeping us apart, filtering all serious events through a thick film of irony), one of its most entertaining is acting as a cultural sieve, ensuring that nothing that has ever been broadcast, ever, can truly disappear. Because of this, 21st century man has near-instantaneous access to Rick Astley songs, William Shatner’s staged reading of “Rocket Man”, a TV movie where Meat Loaf chases a yeti, and other pop cultural arcana that would otherwise have been lost to the mists of time. Nothing can ever be forgotten or erased. It's both our gift and our curse.

Anyhow, today’s addition to the annals of wait-this-exists, courtesy of my friend Christine, is this actual Sesame Street parody of Twin Peaks. It’s as bizarre as it sounds and, judging by the youtube comments, proves that David Lynch’s cultural impact extends to unintentionally scarring children who just wanted to learn about sharing and the alphabet. Enjoy!

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